
Want to help and make a difference?

Submit resources using Google form here.

You can also use the form at the end of this page.


Submission FAQs

Summary: Submit any resource that you have verified to the best of your ability, from a legitimate source, such as, but not limited to, government organizations, volunteer groups, NGOs and organizational social media accounts.

What kind of resources should I submit?

Please always include the source of the information, especially if the information was found via social media.

Here’s a guide to the kind of resources I would love to receive submissions for:

  1. Official national/state/city government helplines, COVID control room numbers, and dashboards/information for availability of beds, oxygen and other resources. This is the #1 priority resource, as it is verified and updated.

  2. Twitter accounts, Instagram accounts that publish useful and updated COVID19 resources information.

  3. Twitter accounts that retweet COVID19 related tweets asking for help. Personally, I have found several journalists and tech folks doing this.

  4. Facebook groups and Discord servers, run by volunteers, where folks ask for help and volunteers/other folks help them out with phone numbers, links and more.

  5. Crowdsourced spreadsheets, documents and dashboards with resource information, which have been widely shared and seem legitimate. Preferably verified.

  6. Images and social media posts/comments with resource information, which are linked to an organization which has a functioning website/Twitter handle/Instagram/Facebook/etc account. Please refrain from submitting images/posts which are screenshots from Instagram/Twitter/Facebook, and all they contain is a phone number and someone’s name for a resource. Unfortunately, this kind of information evolves quickly and is tough to be verified. While such information is great to be shared on social media, maintaining this website with such information is a tough task. If you find such resources, rather than submitting the screenshot/information, please share the name of the social media account that posted this information instead.

As a rule of thumb, please ensure that any resource you find has been updated at least in the past 48 hours, and ideally in the past 24 hours, as that’s a good way to know if it is up-to-date.


Where can I start searching for resources?

Talk to family, friends and your network. Read news. Search on the internet and social media accounts/groups using keywords such as “covid19”, “covid19india”, “bed availability”, “covid helpline”, read the post and its comments, and follow leads. Dig deep into crowdsourced spreadsheets and find useful links.


Do I have to personally verify every resource?

Ideally, yes, but I understand it’s tough, so please verify to the best of your ability (for example: ensure it has been shared widely, shared by legitimate sources/accounts, call up the phone number if possible), and include these notes in the submission form.


What happens to my submission? Can I track its status?

Every form submission ends up in my inbox, which I will process in 24-48 hours, and ensure that it looks legitimate before publishing it. I will send you an email with its status, if you include an email address.

Do you have a spreadsheet with submissions to check for duplicates?

No. I will process the form submissions in 24-48 hours so please check the website before submitting resources, or if you are short of time, submit it and I will deduplicate it.


What is this website being built on? Can I be added as a contributor with edit permissions or make a PR?

This website is built and hosted on Squarespace. With my current premium plan, there can only be 1 extra contributor with edit permissions, and that’s filled by my friend, Karthick.


Do you have a Whatsapp group or chat group with all contributors?

No. Please use the form to submit the resources.


I have another question. How can I contact you?

Reach out to me on Twitter at @prar_s, or use the below form. Enter “Question” as the resource, and include your question in the “additional information” field.